
Liam Family USA | Watermelon Slime Challenge | Family Kids Cartoons

Buy this? Yes I will
This watermelon is better still
Look at the candy shake
This is the one I will take
Carry it nice and slow
Where did my watermelon go?
Now to open you
It’s filled with yummy goo
Hello lion cub my lad
I’ll take this, see ya dad
It pulls back at super speed
All I got was this seed?!
Guess I’ll go in here
This gives me a good idear
Look at that carrot grow
Plant the seed and off we go
Give it soda to drink
This plans working, I think!
Lion cub’s jaw hits the floor
I will need to make some more
They come up, pop pop pop
Candy fruit just can’t stop
What is this all about?
Need to pull this “fruit” out
Well this is a total pain
Ummmm I can explain
See ya, gotta go
Hide in here, he’ll never know
Lion cub, I see you
What are you going to do?
Wait, look there dude
Everyone loves this new food
That's what I like to see
Weeeellllll if you’ll excuse me
He runs out of the store
To go eat some more
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