
NiKO found a MONKEY FRiEND!! Teasure Hunting for Gold with a Pirate Crab in Adleys PlaySpace #Shorts

Claws off my tail!

LET'S BE FRIENDS -- https://bit.ly/3OlyCKp

HEY EVERYBODY! Niko Bear and the Pirate Crab are still on the look out for PiRATE TREASURE! Niko is shredding the waves when they see a giant waterfall! They look on top and see that there is another half of the map dangling from the tree! The Pirate Crab taps Niko on his hat and and jumps on his sword like a trampoline! THE PiRATE CRAB iS FLYiNG THROUGH THE AiR!! He grabs the map and accidentally pinches the Monkey's Tail!! OUCH! The Crab falls back down to Niko without the map... But then! The Monkey forgives him and they all set off in search of ADVENTURE!

my last video - PiRATE CRAB TREASURE HUNT!! Niko finds a SECRET map to GOLD while surfing on Pirate Island! #Shorts

A for Adley - https://www.youtube.com/c/AforAdleyLearningFun/featured
Best Day Ever - https://www.youtube.com/user/Shonduras
Spacestation Animation - https://www.youtube.com/c/SpacestationAnimation
A for Adley Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMHpfyAqrjrhn-mRS2bUL0g
Best Day Ever Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgVEgzVcK3Gpv-ZX-InTURg
Gaming with Adley Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo0NaLsgPT6JrQLQGecpMyw

Thanks for watching!
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