Reacting to the "Origins of Evil Wubbox", a My Singing Monsters cartoon animation by GameToons. This animated parody tells us the origin story of the "Evil Wubbox", and how he wants to take revenge on all of the other Wubbox that got their own Islands and are singing their own songs! Jealous of the Common Wubbox, Rare Wubbox, and the Epic Wubbox, the Evil Wubbox captures the Wubbox to show them what it's been like to be alone for all this time...
Check out the original video by GameToons HERE
ORIGIN of EVIL WUBBOX... (Cartoon Animation) -
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#mysingingmonsters #animation #mairusu
Check out the original video by GameToons HERE
ORIGIN of EVIL WUBBOX... (Cartoon Animation) -
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The Mairusu YouTube Channel is about Gameplay/ Gaming, Let's Plays / Playthroughs, and Reactions. Sometimes the odd Animation video might happen too!
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#mysingingmonsters #animation #mairusu
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- Cartoons
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