Anime or Manga Title: The Elusive Samurai or Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi (逃げ上手の若君) #anime #manga #shorts #newanime
Trailer: The Elusive Samurai episode 1 and episode 2
Genres: Adventure, Comedy
Here's an underrated romance anime to watch or an underrated romance manga to read
This is not an anime recap, manga recap or anime reaction
Summer 2024 anime to watch: Oshi no Ko Season 2, Tower of God, Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest, Alya sometimes hides her feelings in russian, Isekai
Trailer: The Elusive Samurai episode 1 and episode 2
Genres: Adventure, Comedy
Here's an underrated romance anime to watch or an underrated romance manga to read
This is not an anime recap, manga recap or anime reaction
Summer 2024 anime to watch: Oshi no Ko Season 2, Tower of God, Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest, Alya sometimes hides her feelings in russian, Isekai
- Category
- Cartoons
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